The video 'Muhammad Movie Trailer' was uploaded on July 2, 2012, with a running time of 13:51 in 1080p format. The video titled 'The Real Life of Muhammad', uploaded on July 1, 2012, has a running time of 13:03 in 480p format.
4.2 Ninth Circuit court rulings on removal.The film has sparked debates about freedom of speech and Internet censorship. Fatwas calling for the harm of the video's participants were issued and Pakistani government minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour offered a bounty for the killing of Nakoula, the producer. The protests led to hundreds of injuries and over 50 deaths. What was perceived as denigration of the Islamic prophet Muhammad resulted in demonstrations and violent protests against the video to break out on September 11 in Egypt and spread to other Arab and Muslim nations and to some western countries. Anti-Islamic content had been added in post-production by dubbing, without the actors' knowledge. Videos dubbed in Arabic were uploaded during early September 2012. Two versions of the 14-minute video were uploaded to YouTube in July 2012, under the titles 'The Real Life of Muhammad' and 'Muhammad Movie Trailer'.
Innocence of Muslims is an anti-Islamic short film that was written and produced by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.